24Hr Emergency Service

In the event of an emergency with your fire alarm, fire sprinkler system, or other fire suppression systems, AA Fire Protection prides itself on being available to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AA Fire Protection will act quickly and in a responsive manner to ensure our clients receive the assistance they need. Our maximum response time is three hours, dependent on travel time from North Ridgeville, Ohio.  The majority of emergencies can be handled expediently by our professional technicians over the phone at the time of the emergency, saving you time and money for an unneeded service call.


We realize you may need our services during evenings, weekends and holidays. Call us anytime for advice or service about any problem you may have concerning your fire alarm, fire sprinklers, suppression systems, etc.  We will ensure that you will speak to a live person and receive prompt attention by providing the following emergency contacts below. We believe that our commitment to meet the needs of our customers is what sets us apart from the rest.



AA Fire Protection, LLC. Emergency Contact List 


Corporate Office:

Northwest Ohio:1-866-347-3398

Northeast Ohio:1-440-347-0060


Sprinkler & Alarm Emergencies

Contact: Scott McMillen, Fire Sprinkler / Fire Alarm / All After Hour Emergencies Manager

Mobile # 440-315-4025


Fire Extinguisher and/or Hood Suppression System Emergencies

Contact:  Jim Kitko, Fire Extinguisher and Pre-Engineered Systems Manager

Mobile # 440-822-9870


FM-200, CO2 and Halon Fire Suppression System Emergencies

Contact: Chris Emling -  Engineered System Expert

Mobile # 440-242-8516



Corporate Office:

AA Fire Protection, LLC.

620 Sugar Lane

Elyria, OH 44035

(440) 327-0060 (Office)

(866) 347-3398 (Toll Free)

(866) 347-6869 (Fax)


Location Contact Information:

Elyria:                  440-327-0060

Port Clinton:         419-341-6072


Call Toll Free!


E-mail:           info@aafireohio.com


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© AA Fire Protection, LLC. 2012